Sunday, June 1, 2014

Not Searching for God - Living to be Amazed by God!

To be clear as I blog in 2015 "Day of the Largest Social Media Microphone:" Most of this blog post is Britt making sense of what other very strong and mature people of faith have said, people who know a LOT more than me.  Thanks people who have shared truth:)

Many people are searching when it comes to faith and their beliefs.   In fact, I have searched and questioned myself, but since I've been a Christian, I have always had assurance in my questioning.  What I mean by this is, in the middle of questioning, I know that the Lord is who He says he is and He will accomplish what He says he will accomplish. In my questioning I simply want everything  to make sense in my life, for my time, and within my schedule.  I want my small brain to be able to make sense of the Lord's eternal plan and Kingdom, but as I search for answers, I know that He is the answer.  A great parallel would be a child who wants to fully understand their parent's reasoning for not letting them play in the street or touch a hot stove.  The parents want what is best for their child and can see the bigger picture. We tend to take the decisions we make in life and try to find a specific answers to these questions in the Bible.  What we forget is, the Bible is not about us.  The Bible is about God and how to best give glory to God.  AKA: The Bible may not tell me who to marry, what job to take, or how to answer every political question that our world is concerned with, but it does make one thing clear - How to live a life of Faith.  If we are living a life of Faith, the questions that are so important to us will fall into place. For those who believe the Bible to be true, Faith is not a hopeful prayer that makes our life more comfortable or bearable.  Faith is also not one declaration we make, Faith is who we are.  Faith is believing that what the Bible says is true and living our lives under the rule of the "Author and Perfecter of our Faith" (Heb 12:2).  The Bible is a BIG book, I mean seriously people sell books to help us pace ourselves to read the entire Bible in a year or, if you're men, many years!  So while I can not point out all of the Bible's sure truths that we have Faith in, I do know that NO MATTER what goes array in my life, our country, or our world, this is true and this is where my Faith stands (In a world of searching and grey areas my prayer is that I return to these truths):

  • God is Holy and can not tolerate Sin (Habakkuk 1:13)
  • Jesus Christ was crucified as a sacrifice for Sin (1 Cor 15:3-8)
  • Salvation comes through Faith alone (Romans 3:22-24)
  • God loves us and wants a relationship with us (John 10:4-5, John 10: 14-15)
  • God's commands are for our good (Hebrews 12:10-11, John 10:10)
  • Jesus Christ is Victorious over this world (John 16:33)
  • Jesus will reign and establish His Kingdom (Rev 21:2-3)

At The Village Church a few weeks ago, I was reminded that as Christians we believe some pretty bizarre things.  Jesus turned water to wine, Jesus walked on the water, Jesus rose from the dead, Sin entered the world through two people, etc.  We can NOT believe one story, without believing all stories. If we believe the Bible to be true, what is there to search for?  Since God is in control of everything, we can not question His truth and believe only the parts of His plan that make sense to us.  When people say they are searching, my question is for what?  God is truth, He is near, and His Word gives us a standard to live by.  I firmly believe that I will spend my whole life trying to best understand our amazing God, but I do not need to keep searching for belief that He is God. There is one question for every person to answer, what will I do with God?  Will I believe his full truth and live under His grace, or will I believe in a god that I make up to answer the questions for my life.