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A True Texas Sunset (With a Little Photo Editing) |
Do you ever think back on your day wishing you could redo conversations? I caught myself in several conversations about beauty, marriage, and parenting the other day, only to realize that my contribution to the conversation only fell short of the truth that I stand by. I mean Geez Britt, you aren't even a parent and you decided to contribute a half-witted response on what you thought was good parenting...
It's times like these that I realize how LIFE-SAVING and LOVING my God and Father was to give me the Bible. As a kid, rules and guidelines seemed unfair, but as an adult, I love direction and boundaries. In fact, in a world of mixed views, I want someone to remind of of what is right. Not just any someone, I want the creator of all things, to tell me what is right.
"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart." -Psalm 19:7-9
In a culture that tells me beauty is that brand name look, the word reminds me in 1 Peter 3:3-4, "Don't let your adornment be merely outward- arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel, rather let it be the hidden person of the the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentel and quiet spirit."
PAUSE. Don't get me wrong girls: I love me some fashion! In fact, I just posted a selfie a few nights ago on Insta of my summer Etsy purchase. Not that it matters, but I got quite a few likes and several comments. The point is, the word reminds me that this purchase, does not make me more beautiful. The word reminds me of the inward beauty that won't fade like my monogrammed cap will. And eventhough I plan to braid my hair and wear that cap in the most fashionable way I know, beauty can't be purchased, it must be practiced, and it is going to take lots of prayer because I have a long way to go. Some of the most beautiful women are know are far past their "prime."
In a culture that says marriage should make me happy, the Bible reminds me that marriage is a convenant and I can joyfully serve my husband realizing that we are both sinners in need of grace. This sounds so good in the blog, but I need reminded of it daily! I have the best husband EVER, but the moment I put pressure on him to be my Savior, dissapointment sets in. This usually ends in sobby Britt tears. Marriage is not about being served, but serving, submitting, adn honoring. While it's not always the popular opinion in our world, God's way is the right one.I find myself thanking God for my husband all the time and experiencing more joy in marriage than I thought possible.
In a culture that says I can be a "cool mom" (someday), the word shows me how to be loving in sharing truth and providing discipline (Proverbs 13:24). Even God the Father "disciplines those he loves. Hebrews 12:7 reads, "Endure hardship and discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his Father."The Lord is maturing me daily and loving me by showing me ways that I need to grow. I pray that I will be a mom who loving disciplines her children as well and I know I'll need to be reminded of this truth as I have kids.
At The Village Church, Matt Chandler always gives this analogy: The word is like a cat-scan, it reveals places that I'm weak, so that God can start healing those places. I need to know where I fall short, so that I can run even closer to the healer. Although I may have missed opportunity to speak truth last week, I'm thankful for the drive home! I'm thankful that truth is hidden in my heart, and available to us in the Bible. I'm thankful to have one place which blots out grey and reminds me of the life I'm called to live. The law is loving!