"Where You Go I'll Go, and Where You Stay I'll Stay." I can hear Canon in D, sniffles, and feel love in the air as this verse is so commonly referenced during wedding ceremonies. I love weddings and as I have said before, I love LOVE! Ruth 1:16 has always brought one word to mind: COMMITMENT. My husband and I received a beautiful gift for our wedding with this verse written on it. I found the perfect spot and hung it up with a smile.
It was not long after our wedding that we attended another wedding. After all, wedding season is a reality for many mid-twenties couples. This verse was referenced and I later looked it up to read it myself with the motivation of reminiscing our own wedding. Brace yourself: True biblical literacy brought a whole new meaning to the art on our wall. Did you know that Ruth 1:16 is not Ruth talking to Boaz?" WHAT?!! Shock...Guilty again, I made this passage what I wanted it to be, a girl expressing her commitment to the man of her dreams. Had I not read the passage intently before? Ruth is actually speaking to Naomi (her mother in law) from her first husband who had passed.
After losing her husband and two sons, Naomi speaks. With her daughter-in-law's (Ruth and Orpah) best interest at heart she states, "Turn back, why will you go with me? Are there still sons in my womb that will be your husbands?" AKA: Go get on "Christian Mingle," find another husband, don't stay here with an old widow like me.
"Orphah kissed her mother in law, but Ruth clung to her" Ruth 1:14. Then Ruth states, "Where You Go I'll Go and Where you Stay, I'll Stay." Wow, that is commitment! Not only commitment, but a selfless commitment that is going to mean hard work. Naomi can not offer Ruth anything at this point, but Ruth cares for her and is truly committed to her family. The beauty of marriage is in the covenant, not the emotional feeling that comes and goes with circumstance.
To make a long story short: In the midst of true commitment, the Lord brings Boaz to Ruth. He provides for her and Boaz is attracted to the kindness, commitment, and loyalty that is Ruth. They marry, have kids, and the Lord blesses their entire family. True biblical literacy shows me that doing right does not always mean wedding bells and happiness, doing right can be tough, but the Lord provides and He is near!
Disclaimer #2:
#write31days has turned into write___days. I have come to the conclusion that writing is a hobby that I enjoy. I love the concept of #write31days, but writing to keep up isn't my personal cup of tea in the busyness of the school year. I love focusing on the theme "Knowing the Author" and have learned from the process. I hope to create many more posts before the end of the month, stay tuned!
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