Thursday, February 26, 2015

Confidently Disciplined, Even in the Sight of Mr. Dreamy

As I indulge in the guilty pleasure of watching "The Bachelorette" with one of my close neighbors, we both pose the question, why is it seen as a fault or insecurity for a woman to be a virgin?  We're engulfed in the pivotal moment when the woman is invited into the fantasy suite and forced to tell "Mr. Dreamy" that she is waiting for marriage.  Before you read on, let me assure you, this is not a legalistic post about the do's and don'ts of purity, but more of a thankfulness of values that were instilled in me, and a fear to pass values on to others.

It feels crazy to think that I am at the age of wondering what I will pass on to the "younger generation," but the fact is, my whole life should be a testament to what I believe and I should live as a model for younger women.  As I keep up with a study in Judges, a certain verse has been on my mind, "When all that generations had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not knowt he Lord, or the work which he had done" (Judges 2:10).  This is scary, a generation who did not know God?  But it was true, and believe me, without God on their mind, they did not have good days ahead.  I firmly believe that the Lord has a perfect design for us as His children, he has set boundaries and rules for living that both protect us, and lead us to a life of joy.  Note, I did not say a life of happiness (sudden emotion), but a life of Joy (constant hope).

After looking at the evil that is in my heart, which I am happy has been revealed to me, my Father in Heaven would be so cruel to pat me on the back and say, "Keep it Up Britt Horn."  What if His thoughts were, "I will let her sin so that she doesn't have to feel shame, guilt, or consequence." This is crazy, no parent would do this to their child.  However, I feel that we do this, and I am guilty of it.  Don't get me wrong, full life in the Lord is not about following rules, but when we obey him and walk close to Him, we are sheilded from consequences of enticing our sinful nature.  Hebrews provides great advice for us as children of a good and perfect Father, "Endure hardship and discipline; God is training you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? (vs 7).  "Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.  No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 12: 10-11).  God disciplines those He loves.  Like a good father, God is on our side and wants the best for us, even if that means discipline and being counter cultural.

I am glad that the woman on the Bachelor gets to tell Mr. Dreamy that she is a virgin, but what if she walked confidently in that statement?  What if I made a conscious effort to walk confidently in my decisions to follow the disicpline of my father?  This is a scary thought, but what if I was honest about my struggle and used that as a testament to my Father who is maturing me?  I hope and pray that I do not allow the generation following me to grow up without an example of what it is like to live a life of Joy as a daughter of the King.

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