Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ready, Set, 31 Day Challenge: Day 1 - SparkNotes

Everyone knows about SparkNotes. Sparknotes makes one feel intelligent without the literary
struggle of actually reading a book.  I must admit, I have used Sparknotes quite a bit (English Teacher Crime Alert).  Honestly, for something like Shakespeare, Sparknotes were my hope for comprehension as I was not raised in a way that Old English made a lot of sense.  The problem with the "Sparknotes" version is that I am reading to receive only the information that I feel I need to answer a question, write a paper, etc.  I am not getting to know the author when reading the Sparknotes. At best, I am getting a faint picture of the author's intent.  Unfortunately, I have taken this same approach to reading the Bible (the Book of Life!).  Too many times I sit down to read the Bible as if it is a book about me.  The end result: I feel encouraged, sometimes I feel emotionally touched, and I know Christian verbiage.  That doesn't sound so bad right?!

It may not sound bad, but the side effects of this approach are harmful. Side effect number one: I'm not getting to know the author and the true meaning of the God breathed scripture placed at my fingertips.  I can drink coffee out of an inspirational mug and write notes in a journal with hand picked scripture spread throughout, but without the discipline of knowing the book, I will not know truth.  I believe God can speak in many ways. The primary way that He will, and has already spoken to all of us, is His Word.  This is why I will spend 31 days (Thank you Kim Barker for sharing) writing about how true Biblical literacy has shaped by beliefs and rocked my world. Many "Sparknotes" assumptions that I have made have been corrected and misconceptions unveiled, which has allowed for more truth and great love for the author of the book.

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